Kitsap ALS providers have the below training policies in regards to their credentials.

ALS Training Policy

Washington State has adopted the new WAC 246-976, effective September 30, 2024. In response, the Kitsap County EMS and Trauma Council has implemented Policy #3020: ALS Training and Recertification. This policy addresses the new requirements set forth in the updated WAC.
The changes outlined in Policy #3030 will take effect on January 1, 2025.


ALL Base stations Meetings are

9 Am – 12 PM.

Due to COVID restrictions, base stations will be done via Zoom, until further notice.

March 6, 2025

June 5, 2025

September 4. 2025

December 4, 2025

Base station Zoom Invite is located on your Vector Bulletin board.

2021 ACLS classes

Are there any current 2021 ACLS classes scheduled?

NO.  Due to current COVID restrictions, Kitsap County will not be holding any district-wide ACLS classes.

ACLS card for recertification

Does that mean the requirement to have a current ACLS card for recertification is waived?

NO.  There are have been seven different options given to the districts in order to get their personnel trained. Please contact your training officer or MO to see how your agency is handling is recertifying ACLS cards currently.

What is the delegate series?

In response to ALS feedback regarding Target OTEP and practicals, your Kitsap delegates are providing physical-led discussions on a variety of EMS topics via podcast. The podcast is hosted on Buzz sprout and Spotify.

What about the OTEP and practicals?

The OTEP and practicals are slowly fading away from your recertification. Once you recertify in 2021, do not any OTEP or practicals.

If you are recertifying in 2021 0r 2022, please contact the office to be sure if you need to do any OTEP or practical training. The office will be notifying you in advance of your recertification of any missing OTEP training.

How many delegate series do I have to do?

You need to do six delegate episodes per year. There is eight episodes slated per year, and you have your choice.

Will these be assigned to me?

Currently, they are assigned to you. They are also available by looking in self-assign. Eventually, they will be all self-assign, as you have your choice of which six per year you wish to listen to.